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Adam Schiff

Only appropriate that another fake news specialist, Nasty Nancy Pelosi, chose Adam Schiff as the face of the impeachment farce.

Schiff brought experience to the task. After all, he presided over the majority of the House hearings “with the aplomb of a snake oil salesman.” Schiff was picked as the lead prosecutor for the Senate trial. Trump won the moment it happened.

It was foolhardy for Pelosi to think that Schiff – a person with a long track record of deceit and distortion – would ever be accepted by senators as remotely credible. Who could trust someone who, without conscience or regret, has peddled a multitude of exaggerations, misrepresentations and outright falsehoods?

It was Schiff who spent more than two years claiming to have “direct” and “ample” evidence that Trump and his campaign engaged in a collusion conspiracy with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. Except that he didn’t.

It was Schiff who stated with absolute certainty that the FBI “did not ‘abuse’ the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) process.” Except that it did.

It was Schiff who argued that the warrants to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page “met the rigor, transparency, and evidentiary basis needed to meet the FISA’s probable cause requirements.” Except that they didn’t. The Justice Department admitted that at least two of the warrants were illegally obtained and without probable cause.

It was Schiff who insisted that Christopher Steele, the British ex-spy who authored the largely fictitious anti-Trump dossier, was “credible.” Except that he was not, according to the Justice Department inspector general’s report.

It was Schiff who said that the FBI did not rely heavily on the dossier in seeking surveillance warrants against Page. Except that the bureau did. The document was “central and essential,” noted the inspector general.

It was Schiff who argued that Steele’s work had been corroborated by “multiple independent sources.” Except that it had not been corroborated.

When Schiff's prodigious prevarications were eventually exposed, he never had the decency to apologize to the American people for misleading them in hundreds of televised appearances. Instead, Pelosi rewarded Schiff’s mendacity by appointing him to oversee the impeachment charade.

When she officially endorsed the two articles of impeachment against President Trump, Nancy Pelosi distributed 30 golden pens with her signature on them!

(This is not a parody. Pelosi actually did this!)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., second from right, gives pens to, from left, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass…The two articles of impeachment against Trump are for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

At the outset, Schiff delivered opening remarks that were a blatant lie – inventing significant portions of a conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky. Schiff later dismissed his fictional account as a “parody,” as if his false portrayal was perfectly acceptable. It seems that when Schiff is determined to smear someone, the end justifies the means and truth becomes irrelevant.

Thereafter, Schiff lied about the contact and coordination that he and his staff had with the so-called “whistleblower.” This earned him “Four Pinocchios” from The Washington Post fact-checker, who called his statements “flat-out false.”

[NOTE: even the Washington Post, a prominent member of the Left media couldn’t stomach Schiff.]

A columnist for the Chicago Tribune described Schiff as “the Inspector Javert of the Trump impeachment theater.” It is an apt description.

Schiff’s unhinged obsession fed his countless embellishments of the president’s motives in asking Ukraine to examine former Vice President Joe Biden’s demand that Ukraine fire a prosecutor who was investigating the natural gas company that employed Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Schiff trumpeted to the world that President Trump was seeking to destroy an opponent’s reputation.

Certainly terrible, if true. But, of course is was not true!

Schiff left out the key fact that the investigation was to determine if Joe Biden was using his office as Vice-President to obtain financial benefits for his son, Hunter Biden.

(Inexplicably, Hunter Biden was paid $1 million per year to serve on the board of directors of a Ukrainian natural gas company, despite the fact that Hunter had no experience or expertise involving either the energy industry or Ukraine!)

Schiff conveniently ignored the Bidens’ behavior, even though it was obviously and objectively suspicious. By any reasonable standard, it merited the investigation that Trump requested….

The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway pointed out:

The most disturbing explanation is that the company is attempting to curry favour with the US government by enlisting the services of the close family friend and campaign bundler of the secretary of state and the son of the vice president. …

Hemingway concluded it seemed like a "cliched movie plot": "a shady foreign oil company co-opts the vice president's son in order to capture lucrative foreign investment contracts".

It does not take a rocket scientist to conclude that Joe Biden was using his high office to benefit his son.

Of course, the liberal-leaning media fawned over Schiff. They called his opening statement “brilliant,” “masterful,” and “dazzling.” His closing argument was greeted with an equal measure of hyperbolic adoration.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow gushed on twitter that Schiff’s argument was “one for the ages.” she ventured that it might be “taught someday as the seminal opposition speech from this era in presidential (and Republican party) history.”

Maddow’s tweet was met with skepticism and mockery. Many regarded Schiff’s argument as a nauseating blend of histrionics and hysteria. For the better part of an hour, he waxed about honesty and virtue – this from a man devoid of both.

Believe it or not, but Schiff went even more Looney Tunes!

Schiff warned that “Trump could offer Alaska to the Russians in exchange for support in the next election” and that he would “sell out his country for a political favor.”

“History will not be kind to Donald Trump,” intoned Schiff.

He is wrong. History will not be kind to Schiff and Pelosi. For purely political purposes, they abused the power entrusted in them and damaged future presidencies. [Underlined emphasis added.] (written by Gregg Jarrett, attorney, author and news commentator.),

Creator of brilliant photo-shopped parody unknown at this time, but due credit for making one picture worth more than a thousand words.

Sean Hannity coined a phrase to sum up the Democrats’ farce:

“The 'Schumer-Schiff sham show.”' [Emphasis added.]

Want more? (written by Mike Adams, professor, author and columnist.)

it looks increasingly likely that Rep. Adam Schiff fabricated the existence of the so-called “whistleblower” and wrote the complaint himself:

Adam Schiff may have fabricated the existence of the whistleblower himself, in effect projecting his own complaint onto a fictional persona that he is now going to question in a private, closed-door congressional session, where he will essentially be questioning himself.

This entire “whistleblower” hoax has been masterfully orchestrated by a combination of deep state intelligence players, left-wing media hacks and Democrat legislators.

They are all playing their roles as crisis actors, feigning outrage over a non-crime “crime,” even resorting to completely fictionalizing a whole new “transcript” of “what they hope Trump said” on a phone call with Ukraine’s President (which Adam Schiff read into the congressional record a few days ago to try to “gaslight” the entire nation about what Trump really said).

It’s all staged. Everything pushed by the Democrats, the tech giants and the media is theater for your mind. Everything is a false narrative, a hoax or a false flag operation. [Emphasis added.]


President Ronald Reagan

Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first… The truth is mankind’s best hope for a better world.

Ronald Reagan

Richard M. Coleman served as National Co-Chair, Lawyers for Reagan-Bush ’84 and really does miss Ronald Reagan. A graduate of Georgetown University and Harvard Law School, Dick was a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, and a past president of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and of the National Caucus of Metropolitan Bar Leaders. A professor on the faculty of Pepperdine University’s Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution for 17 years, he received Pepperdine’s Excellence in Teaching Award. He has hosted TV forums on legal and financial topics and written and spoken extensively on political issues.


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