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Musings from Palm Desert

(End of an Era: Musings no longer from Malibu)



Let’s Give President Washington a birthday present. Without George Washington, there would be no America. He gave us a Republic, a government unprecedented in history and anchored in a brilliant document, the United States Constitution.

That document stands in the way of the Left and its agenda. The Left can only prevail through Voter Fraud, and they will pour millions into achieving that goal. We saw that in 2018; the Left proliferated their fake news because they had done nothing for which to claim merit.

If we do nothing, 2020 will see what we saw in 2018. The LEFT, pouring money into the election, because it never scrimps on paying for votes.


(Drawing courtesy of insightful artist, A. F. Branco and his Legal Insurrection)

The Republicans have to spend as well, but to protect against fraud. That is more difficult than the LEFT”s task. To detect fraud, the Republicans have to examine every single vote for validity.

President Trump and Vice President Pence have voiced their concerns. This article, lays it out:

“Most people assume that electronic voting machines make voting more efficient, safer and more accurate. They certainly make vote counting faster. But the disquieting reality is that they also can be easily hacked, leaving our voting system more vulnerable than the DNC’s emails.

Electronic voting machine manipulation can bring election fraud into realms of undetectibility previously undreamed of. If a clever programmer were to insert malicious code in the right place in the tabulation software, he or she could flip a minimum number of votes but spread over a maximum number of polling stations. This could achieve a win for their preferred candidate with the tampering being impossible to detect without an expensive and extensive audit of the results. All too often, such audits are not even possible thanks to electronic machines with no paper trail whatsoever.

There is evidence suggesting that this has already happened. While this notion might seem crazy, it is not. I’m a PhD statistician and am certified as a quality engineer by the American Society for Quality [Control]. Getting an accurate vote count does not require rocket science-level math. The security and integrity of the voting process is compromised for every citizen who is asked to accept someone else’s word that the vote count is accurate. Yes, that is the situation across this country except in the few U.S. counties, mostly rural, that require a hand count of paper ballots.

As a preemptive defense to cheating, Trump and Gov. Mike Pence have been saying that poll watchers would be a good idea to deter voter fraud. The problem is that poll watchers can only catch voter fraud -- individuals attempting to vote twice at the same location. Voter fraud, however, is not much of a problem in America. Fixation on voter fraud distracts from the real crime of election fraud.

If Trump sincerely wants to support the integrity of our elections, he should instead encourage his supporters to conduct exit polls. These are the surveys conducted by local volunteers who are basically auditing their own or a nearby polling location. Such polls would be particularly valuable in states like Georgia, South Carolina and Louisiana, where citizens must vote electronically on machines that lack a paper trail. Locations without paper trails show the most blatant statistical evidence of fraud…

Exit polls are not difficult or expensive to run but they do require some dedicated individuals to do the work. Trump supporters could do so (as could Clinton supporters or anyone else). Then, no matter the outcome, they would have evidence they themselves collected to decide whether there was a fair count.

However, the best way to maintain the integrity of elections is the old-fashioned way.

In a paper titled “What Constitutes an Election Audit,” election fraud investigator Richard Hayes Phillips put it this way: In my judgment, the solution is this: paper ballots, counted by hand, in full public view, at the polling place, on Election Night, no matter how long it takes.” Phillips conducted an audit of Ohio 2004 voting records and concluded that the election had been stolen on behalf of George W. Bush. Unfortunately, Phillips didn’t get access to those records until 2006 and then spent three years auditing them. Nothing changed. Having been stymied in my own quest for access to voting records in Sedgwick County, Kansas, since the 2012 election, I am in complete agreement with Dr. Phillips – the best solution is voter-marked paper ballots, counted by hand, in full public view.

My conviction that our voting process has been subject to widespread corruption is based on statistical analyses, my own and that of others. I cannot expect non-statisticians to be as convinced as I am because the analyses require some complex math. But it shouldn’t require a PhD in statistics to spot a phony count. Faith in our voting system should not be based on a process that requires expert analysis to make a judgment about its honesty. [Emphasis added.]

Examples? Unfortunately there is a plethora from which to choose. Here is particularly blatant one:

Norm Coleman, with a history of public service, including serving as governor for 2 terms and Senator for one term, was running for re-election. His Democrat opponent was comedian Al Franken with no political experience.


Election night showed Senator Coleman WON by 725 votes. But “caches” of ballots kept showing up after the election. “New” votes for were found for Franken. Franken (literally a “clown”) had no political experience. He was certified the winner by the George Soros-backed secretary of state.

That gave the Democrats the 60th vote. And that “gave” us the Obamacare mess.

And they don’t stop.

A document produced by Democrats to promote the bill says: “Convictions … should not lead to deportation.”

Keep in mind, we’re not talking about convictions for double parking. The bill targets felony convictions – serious crimes that send you to prison for years. A press release from Rep., Jesus Garcia, D-Ill., is explicit about this.

Garcia brags that the bill will break the “prison to deportation pipeline.”

How does the bill do that? Under current U.S. law, legal U.S. immigrants can be deported if they commit an “aggravated felony” or a “crime of moral turpitude” – that is, a vile, depraved act, like molesting a child.

Under the New Way Forward Act, “crimes of moral turpitude” are eliminated entirely as a justification for deportation. And the category of “aggravated felony” gets circumscribed too.


We can look to our neighbor to the South for a solution. They have a system that prevents the LEFT’s fraud.

Each Mexican voter has a government-issued photographic voter ID card, which he presents to election authorities. They have a book with the photograph of each and every voter precinct. Each precinct has such a book.

Across from the election authorities are seated representatives from various political parties. When the election authority at the table calls the name of the voter, his name is checked off in the precinct book. The voter also has his thumb stained with ink that wears off in a few days.

Every Mexican citizen has a tamper proof card with the citizen’s thumbprint. All voters are required to vote in their neighborhoods. There is no such thing as a provisional ballot. All elections are held on Sundays. The registration process requires all citizens to personally enroll. Proof of birth or citizenship is step one.

Applicants are photographed and fingerprinted and then required to personally return to collect their voting credential. 90% of voters are registered and the list is audited regularly, and the photos of the voters are in each polling site.

Each of Mexico’s main political parties receive approximately $24 million of public financing for a three-month campaign; They can also receive 10% of their funds from supporters, but no one can give more than $71,000. IFE [Federal Electoral Institute, a nonpartisan institution pays for media advertising and ensures that all candidates have equal access.

Mexico’s constitution prohibits re-election in order to prevent incumbents from using government to manipulate the electoral process.

Mexico has minutely-detailed election laws, and a professional and independent Electoral Tribunal to judge election disputes. Both registration and turnout.

If we want to end Voter Fraud, here’s the formula from Mexico.

1. Adoption of the tamper-proof photo-ID card with a thumbprint and embossed hologram.

2. Set election days for Saturdays and Sundays to convenience working voters.

3. Require the vote to be cast in the voter’s precinct.

4. Ban early voting.

5. Allow absentee voting only an affidavit demonstrating good cause.

6. Count all ballots by hand.

7. Institute term limits.

#7 is the problem. Our lawmakers will not want to give up their incumbency. 2 adjustments would help.

- Increase the terms for a representative to 4 years and for a Senator to 8 years.

- Grandfather-in sitting congressmen so the limits will apply only to newly elected officials.

The overall goal is to restrict voting to registered citizens. Who can argue against that?

We know the answer.


The Dems actually have introduced bills in various states to give non-citizens the ballot. Not illegals, they already have millions of them voting; but green card holders who are otherwise not eligible to vote!

And, as usual, Nasty Nancy helps the cause along by spreading blatant lies, as in these 2 messages:


Please read again what she says in these links. Not one fact to support her incredible claims!

She cannot create the facts, which she wishes were the case. And she cannot change the facts, which totally refute her.


The facts are stunningly presented below. Again, one picture tells the tale!

(The cartoon is unsigned. Credit to the author for this brilliant representation of the current campaign.)

President Trump has given us a winning record, brilliantly summarized in his State of the Union message earlier this month. I only wish it would be viewed by all Americans. But all Americans can, and should, read it here!

We need to continue to remind everyone about our booming economy and renewed respect for America around the world. Increasingly, and encouragingly, we hear Americans spontaneously chanting: USA! USA! USA! USA!


These words of Ronald Reagan do not address voter fraud directly, but they are applicable. All Americans must be aware that Voter Fraud undermines our Republic. And we must act to prevent it, even though the Left will calumniate us.

Reagan-Bush ’84 and really does miss Ronald Reagan. A graduate of Georgetown University and Harvard Law School, Dick was a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, and a past president of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and of the National Caucus of Metropolitan Bar Leaders. A professor on the faculty of Pepperdine University’s Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution for 17 years, he received Pepperdine’s Excellence in Teaching Award. He has hosted TV forums on legal and financial topics and written and spoken extensively on political issues.


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