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Who better to summarize how the Left cheats on recounts than Ann Coulter.

Election recounts would be more plausible if Democrats occasionally let the Republican win. But they don't. Ballots miraculously discovered days and weeks after the election -- in the back seat of a car, after helpful "corrections" to the ballots by election supervisors, etc. -- invariably result in a surprise win for the Democrat. Voters are just supposed to accept that, unless Republicans win an election by an insuperable margin, the Democrats will steal it. And the thieving is cheered on by our media. Whenever President Trump has the effrontery to mention that GOP victories are being stolen by corrupt Democratic officials, the media snippily note that his claim is "UNSUBSTANTIATED." Thus, for example, in the first 60 seconds of CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront" on Monday, Burnett said: -- "(The email from Trump headquarters) without providing any evidence ... warns that, quote, corrupt Democrats are trying to, quote, steal election victories in Florida. ... -- "It's a baseless claim that President Trump has been pushing for days. ... -- "(Gov. Rick) Scott (is) talking about rampant fraud without providing any evidence. ... -- "Now, 'steal an election,' 'committing fraud' are big claims to make without having evidence." Hey! I have an idea! Why doesn't CNN rustle up some reporters to go and investigate the biggest story of the year? No, the burden is on random Republicans -- who have jobs other than "reporting the news" -- to produce bulletproof evidence of voter fraud. Otherwise, it's just a wacky coincidence that these "recounts" always result in mysterious new votes for Democrats. If a freelance investigative reporter like James O'Keefe actually does produce the evidence that our media are too lazy and biased to get for themselves, they sneer that O'Keefe can't be trusted. He's not a real reporter!

Courtesy of A. F. Branco at Legal Insurrection

What a real reporter does is call up some left-wing outfit, get a quote, and peremptorily announce that there has never been an illegal ballot cast in any election, ever. We called the Brennan Center for Justice, and they assured us that voter fraud doesn't exist. I can prove I called -- I'll show you my phone records! We're not going to send our reporters on a snipe hunt. Oh, and we also got an interesting brochure on voter suppression, such as the Nazi-inspired idea that voters should know how to spell their own names. That's what we get from our crackerjack media. Journalists' phones should be taken away, so they'd be forced to do actual reporting. Republicans control the state legislature and governor's office in Florida. They control the U.S. Congress and the presidency. If that's not enough to prevent two statewide Florida elections from being stolen, the GOP is more useless than I'd already imagined. Here's a primer for Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan on how to deal with all the Senate and House election "recounts" that keep magically flipping seats to the Democrats. In 1974, Republican Louis Wyman won his race for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire, beating Democrat John Durkin by 355 votes. Durkin demanded a recount -- which went back and forth by a handful of votes until the state's Ballot Law Commission concluded that Wyman had indeed won. Wyman was certified the winner by the New Hampshire secretary of state and was on his way to Washington, D.C., when ... the Senate refused to seat him. New Hampshire's certification of Wyman as the winner meant nothing, because, you see, Democrats held a majority in the Senate. The Senate spent months examining disputed ballots. Unable to come up with any method whereby they could declare the Democrat the winner, the Senate forced New Hampshire to hold another election. Demoralized Republicans stayed home and, this time, the Democrat won. Hey, Mitch! Don't Republicans hold a majority in the Senate? In 1984, Democrat Frank McCloskey won a razor-thin re-election to the House from Indiana's 8th Congressional District. The state held two recounts, both of which the Republican won. The Washington Post reported that there were "no allegations of fraud" in the recount, and 90 percent of ballot disqualifications had been agreed to "by election commissions dominated by Democrats." Consequently, Indiana's secretary of state certified Republican Rick McIntyre the winner. But the Democratic-controlled House simply refused to seat McIntyre. Instead, the House undertook its own "recount." You'll never guess who won! Don't Republicans have a majority in the House for six more weeks? In 2008, Sen. Norm Coleman of Minnesota won his re-election bid against challenger Al Franken by 725 votes. But for several weeks after the election, Democratic precincts kept discovering new votes for Franken -- including ballots sitting in cars, as well as a write-in vote for "Frankenstein" -- which was counted as a vote for Franken. (Duh.) These late-discovered ballots eventually put Frankenstein ahead by 312 votes, whereupon he was immediately certified the winner by the George Soros-backed secretary of state. The U.S. Senate was in Democratic hands, so there was no question but that Majority Leader Harry Reid would seat the cheater, Franken. And that, kids, is how the Democrats got the 60th vote for Obamacare. Four years later, we found out that more than 1,000 felons -- ineligible to vote -- had cast ballots in the 2008 Minnesota election. (To state the obvious, felons support Democrats by about 10-1.) In the middle of the Democrats' open theft of the Indiana seat in 1984, The New York Times pompously reminded readers of the "basic constitutional principle that Congress is the judge of its own membership and that lawmakers can overrule state laws in making that determination." You've already caved on Arizona, Mitch. How about taking a page from the Democrats' playbook? You don't have to go full Daley Machine. Democrats steal elections they actually lost. Republicans just want you to hang on to the seats they won.


The brazenness of the theft is astounding. Democrat election officials in Arizona and Florida, not finding the will of the people to their liking, are manufacturing a will of the people of their own.

In Florida, they’re miraculously finding ballots -- overwhelmingly votes for Democrats, of course -- that were somehow inexplicably overlooked on election day.

In Arizona, the Republican Party has accused Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes of “premeditated destruction of evidence” leading to “voting irregularities.”

There is more to this open theft than just that. The shamelessness and unapologetic audacity of this election fraud is no accident.

The Left is doing this out in the open to send a message:

There is nothing you can do. We will win. If we lose, we will cheat. We will lie. We will steal. And there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you can do about it.

If the Democrats pull this off, they will have shown conservatives -- and the world -- that nothing could stop them.

The governor of Florida couldn’t stop them. The courts couldn’t stop them. President Trump himself, who has been commenting repeatedly on Twitter about the theft, couldn’t stop them.

The election fraud in Arizona and Florida is a continuation of the Kavanaugh hearings.

Just as the outrageously false allegations of sexual assault and rape against Brett Kavanaugh did, the election fraud demonstrates that there is no low to which the Democrats will not stoop to gain and hold power.

They will even affect a self-righteous mien of moral superiority while stooping.

The lesson that conservatives are meant to learn is not just that the Left will stop at nothing, but that the Left is unstoppable.

Republicans and conservatives can vote for “drain the swamp” candidates all they want -- but the swamp will not be drained, as those candidates will not take office even if they win.

The intention is to intimidate and demoralize conservatives, induce them to give up and get out of this dirty game.

and this disturbing note - 200,000 non-citizens voted?


The Left is performing as usual to make sure their fraud sticks. The Dems have an uncanny knack of winning recounts, especially when they have lost on election night!

I cannot remember one Republican doing so, can you?

The media teases us that Mia Love may do it this time! Don’t bet on it.

Pollster Nate Silver noted:

Recounts typically don’t swing enough votes to change the winner. Out of 4,687 statewide general elections between 2000 and 2015, just 27 were followed by recounts, according to data compiled by FairVote, a nonpartisan group that researches elections and promotes electoral reform. Just three of those 27 recounts resulted in a change in the outcome, all leading to wins for Democrats: Al Franken in Minnesota’s 2008 U.S. Senate race, Thomas M. Salmon’s win in Vermont’s 2006 auditor election and Christine Gregoire’s win in Washington’s 2004 gubernatorial race….

Remember that is for only 15 recent years and does not exclude voter fraud in the original totals.

Computer scientist J. Alex Halderman,… advocating for recounts, argued that electronic voting machines could have been hacked. If they were, hackers could have modified vote totals by more than the usual amount that recounts changed vote totals.

As for the elections just held? No way there was not, is not, fraud in Arizona and Florida.

Take a look, these were the reported unaudited totals received by the candidates:

Kyrsten Sinema received 1,097, 321votes or 49.7% of the vote.

Martha McSally received 1,059,124 votes or 48% of the vote.

Angela Green, a third party candidate, received 52,122 votes or 2.4%.

Total votes to date, all precincts reporting, are 2,208, 567. The percentage difference of the total vote between Sinema and McSally is 0.017%!,_2018

Why do I say Sinema did not win this? Because I believe her totals include votes by ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

Easy for me to say, right?

Consider Marsha McSally had a consistent record of supporting restrictions on immigration and for being emphatically against open borders.


As I wrote this article, I googled to the election to find cites for those positions of Sinema. Guess what? I could not find any. Maybe it is my incompetence with Google. Please check me out.

Go to Google and try to learn Sinema’s immigration position. Please let me know if you find that she is for restrictions on immigration or that she believes ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have no right to be here.

If you cannot find that, then the question must be asked were ILLEGALS voting in this election? If so, who do you think they would vote for:

McSally who says they should not be here or Sinema who believes they have a right be in America illegally? Not a tough question.


Google does not easily give up data contrary to the Left Agenda, as America came to learn earlier this year.

here is a sample:

Among today's American left, the altar of diversity actually dictates that leaders must discriminate against those holding contrarian views. Disagreement with the liberal ethos simply isn't tolerated anymore… the company's public policy positions, not to mention the views of top management, … all skew to the extreme political left.

[An aside - Readers of know my policy of supplying a supporting cite for every point. On one occasion, I wanted to reference a reporter’s favorable comments on a talk by President Trump. I entered the reporter’s name and the favorable review. What I got from Google were 3 pages criticizing the President. It was not until I reached page 4 that I found the complimentary remarks. Do I think that was deliberate? YES.]

So why does Google make it difficult to find that Sinema favors ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?

An explanation? It would be obvious that they would vote for her not McSally. But worse? People would believe that ILLEGALS did vote for Sinema.

If ILLEGALS voted, how many do you think voted for McSally?

Slim or None? I’d bet on NONE.

How to prove the Left stole the seat. Only one way to do it.


That will take buckets of money. However, that will be much less expensive than 6 years of Left politicians spending taxpayer dollars to keep themselves in office.

The Left knows this. They never scrimp on paying for votes. They did so in this election

Democrats are sending a tsunami of green to their candidates in hopes of turning Congress blue…The final weeks before November’s crucial midterm elections will see $109 million worth of Democratic ads in the nation’s closest congressional races — with just $60 million spent on spots for their Republican rivals…

They will continue to do so through the recounts.


Martha McSally


Martha McSally and Scott Walker foolishly conceded when they trailed in the election returns. It doesn’t matter. Democrats routinely do it and still have done it, and they demand the recounts keep going.

FLORIDA Here are Democrats Gillum and Nelson merrily costing taxpayers the expense of recounts when they know they will lose. forcing recounts.

Broward County as usual contributed confusion and varying vote totals amid with bizarre voting irregularities.

Here are some of the amazing events.

Media should not be uncritically amplifying this fairy tale that BROWARD - which had results 15 minutes before the deadline - just totally accidentally submitted two minutes late and whoops too bad 779 net votes for Rick Scott were lost.

Imagine the media coverage if a Republican county claimed to just accidentally fail to submit a recount with a vote bump for a Democrat.

A day after Florida's election left top state races too close to call, a Democratic party leader directed staffers and volunteers to share altered election forms with voters to fix signature problems on absentee ballots after the state's deadline. The altered forms surfaced in Broward, Santa Rosa, Citrus and Okaloosa counties and were reported to federal prosecutors to review for possible election fraud … But an email obtained [USA TODAY] shows that Florida Democrats were organizing a broader statewide effort beyond those counties to give voters the altered forms to fix improper absentee ballots after the Nov. 5 deadline. Democratic party leaders provided staffers with copies of a form, known as a "cure affidavit," that had been modified to include an inaccurate Nov. 8 deadline. One Palm Beach Democratic activist said in an interview the idea was to have voters fix and submit as many absentee ballots as possible with the altered forms in hopes of later including them in vote totals if a judge ruled such ballots were allowed….Jake Sanders, a Democratic consultant …warned FDP staff members of the questionable legal status of altering a state form and misleading people their vote would be counted before the court case played out…And coordinated campaign leadership told them to keep pushing it …Between the instances of absolute ineptitude, the clear violations of law, and this apparent malfeasance (altering official documents to change deadlines would seem to cross a clear line into fraud), this vote-counting season has been a disgrace

In reality, [Republican] Scott should have gained hundreds of additional votes, but two Democratic counties -- Broward and Hillsborough -- missed their submission deadlines, thus reverting back to their previous, less accurate (and less Scott-favorable) counts…the county actually turned in results to the state two minutes late. They won’t count officially...a discrepancy between the first count and the recount — about 2,040 votes — was due to “a commingling of ballots. We did not correctly handle the ballots…The elections department was still completing a machine recount on some vote-by-mail ballots on Friday, …any overvotes and undervotes found may be counted in the manual recount….

On multiple occasions, there have been problems with printing mail ballots. And in the August primaries, Broward was the last county to post election results. The department cited reasons from unexpected recounts, delayed jump drive delivery — rumor was they were temporarily lost — to a late influx of mail-in ballots that were still being counted the next day, leaving the results of several races unclear .

To boot, Broward and Palm Beach decided they were going to just ignore the court order for all public information requests concerning outstanding ballots.

[Created by Cartoonists Al Goodwyn and Jeff Newman, The Confederacy of Drones is “the mindless segment of the population that blindly accepts the media, allows others to do their thinking…”]


…prominent Democrats from Cory Booker to Sherrod Brown to Hillary Clinton [alleged] openly and baselessly … that the Georgia gubernatorial election was somehow stolen or illegitimate -- and the losing candidate …) is apparently mulling a lawsuit to demand a do-over election. The double standards are glaring.

Democrat Stacy Abrams is the candidate mentioned.


Stacy Abrams Democrat candidate for GOVERNOR acknowledged Republican Brian Kemp was ahead by about 18,000 votes but Stacey tried one tactic after another to continue recounting before finally throwing in the towel.


The same kind of shenanigans are going on all over the country. One example.

Republican Congressional Candidate Young Kim

Democrat Gil Cisneros …took the lead over Republican Young Kim in the race to replace retiring Rep. Ed Royce in California's 39th Congressional District, according to the latest vote reports.

Cisneros has taken the lead with 50.2% of the vote, just ahead of Kim's 49.8%. The two are separated by fewer than a thousand votes.

Young Kim is in the same position as Martha McSally, neither is getting a true vote total. The Republicans must spend the money to check the validity of the vote, not only in Florida and Arizona, but throughout the UNITED STATES.

The cartoonist Ramirez has his usual insightful cartoon on how our elections look to others in the world.


Why Gorsuch and KAVANAGUGH were, and are, key?

Because the Left will use their judges if their Recount tricks fail.

Here are examples.

Anyone wondering why Senate Republicans are so intent on approving President Trump’s judicial picks need look no further than Georgia and Florida, where three Obama-appointed jurists have taken charge of ballot counting.

U.S. District Judge Mark Walker ruled Thursday that thousands of ballots that failed to strictly follow the rules can still be tallied in Florida — a decision hailed by Democrats as putting the Senate race within their grasp.

In Georgia, two federal judges in separate cases ruled in favor of tallying previously discounted ballots, again winning cheers from Democrats hoping to close the gap in a closely watched race for governor.

U.S. District Judge Steve Jones, appointed by Obama, prevents Georgia from finalizing the election results until these votes are counted

The reporter on the story could not resist: “Of course, it’s me voting. I just don’t know my birthdate.”

Judge [Democrat Karen Gievers] orders recount in Florida's Palm Beach County extended to Nov. 20 [extra five days]

Has the point been made? We need a continuation of President Trump’s appointments to the bench- judges not at the beck and call of the Left!


By this time, we should not be surprised at the Left’s take on this election. Here is Nancy Pelosi and her messages.


But we should learn from it. We did not work hard enough.

Our President gave us a winning record.

but we did not work hard enough to overcome the Left media propaganda. They had nothing to run on. We cannot make that mistake again.

God help us and the United States of America!

Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again. Ronald Reagan

Richard M. Coleman served as National Co-Chair, Lawyers for Reagan-Bush ’84 and really does miss Ronald Reagan. A graduate of Georgetown University and Harvard Law School, Dick is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, and a past president of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and of the National Caucus of Metropolitan Bar Leaders. A professor on the faculty of Pepperdine University’s Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution for 17 years, he received Pepperdine’s Excellence in Teaching Award. He has hosted TV forums on legal and financial topics and written and spoken extensively on political issues.


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