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The title borrows from the hit group Credence Clearwater Revival and the song written by the talented John Fogarty:

Oh! Lord, Stuck in Lodi again.

My lament: we are stuck in Lib-land again as Hollywood puts its thumb on a classic TV show, Blue Bloods, transforming a mostly conservative series into a paean to Lib propaganda.

I watched the following in disbelief.

In one recent episode, police brutality was one of the themes. Frank Reagan, the police commissioner and patriarch of the Reagan family, does not present any facts to controvert the allegation. He silently accepts it as true, when a strong case can be made that it is false. e.g.

In that same episode, one of Frank's sons, Jamie, a policemen, and his partner not only do not report illegal immigrants, they help them get a job so they can stay in the country. Not word is uttered about breaking the law.

In a later show, laws against marijuana are trivialized and mocked. Another incident in that same show, relates how white fraternity males abused a woman, grabbing her, stripping her naked, forcibly parading her through the fraternity, and then posting on the internet pictures of her naked.

And still another story involved a law and order group which was shown as all white and portrayed, not as against lawbreakers, but rather as racist Nazis. When five of are murdered, [suggested as being done by a black criminal gang previously introduced as justifiably angry at the “Nazis”], a black cops says “I saw it coming,” with an attitude of satisfaction. The show ends there with no indication that arrests of the black gang were in order.

Remember Tim Allen's Last Man Standing - one of, if not the only, mostly conservative sitcom.

I say "mostly" conservative because it aired opposing liberal opinion [as did Blue Bloods.] The Libs are not so tolerant.

Hollywood could not rewrite that show to promote the lib agenda because Tim Allen had creative control. Rather his show was taken off the air even though its ratings were superior to shows they continued to air

America, we have a problem. The Left's efforts to promote their agenda have intensified since, to their amazed fury, Trump was elected. They know their agenda is being attacked, so they have stepped up their bullying. Their goal is to prevent any views but their own from being heard.

It is disgusting - and we are apparently helpless to stop them.

Are you willing to spend time studying the issues, making yourself aware, and then conveying that information to family and friends?... If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he'll eat you last. Ronald Reagan

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