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There are many details in the background of President Barack Hussein Obama that have not been made public. There are, however, facts which are known. Both his father and his stepfather were Muslims, he was given a Muslim name, and, for 5 years, from ages 6 to 10, President Obama was raised in Indonesia, a predominant Muslim country.

We also know that he has a peculiarly Islamic view of history. Last year, the President referenced the Crusades as a moral equivalent to Isis. The reference was significant because "Crusades" is a buzz word to Islamists. To them, the Crusades are ongoing today. Witness the words of Osama bin Laden: "Our work targets world infidels. Out enemy is the crusader alliance led by America, Britain, and Israel."

Can Barack Obama truly be unaware the Crusades were launched to recover lands invaded by Muslims? Historian Bernard Lewis noted: "We are now expected to believe that the Crusades were an unwarranted act of aggression against a peaceful Muslim world. Hardly. The first papal call for a crusade occurred in 846 C.E., when an Arab expedition from Sicily sailed up the Tiber and sacked St. Peter's in Rome."

Beginning while Mohammed was alive, Muslims conquered the Arabian peninsula, and invaded Egypt and north Africa. In 711, they invaded Spain. Muslim aggression has persisted through the centuries to present time.

More from our President:

“…the very word itself, Islam, comes from salam -- peace. The standard greeting is as-salamu alaykum -- peace be upon you. And like so many faiths, Islam is rooted in a commitment to compassion and mercy and justice and charity. "

Not true. “Islam” means “submission” [to Allah], … it comes from the Arabic root “aslama” meaning submission, and “Islam” is in the command form of that verb.

“Muslim” means “One who submits,” not “One who is peaceful.” Islam has not been peaceful. One might postulate that the Muslim terrorists are not “radical” Islam but true Islam and that those Muslims who do not seek to conquer through terrorism are the “radicals.”

Barack Obama’s version of US history is also revisionist. For example:

"I also know that Islam has always been a part of our American story."


"Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding."


"This holiday (Muslim Eid) reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy."

Muslims were part of US history, but not as Obama would have us believe. Muslims were the Barbary Pirates from Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripolitania, who extorted our shipping until Thomas Jefferson took our nation to war against them and defeated them. The Marine Hymn celebrates that victory with the words "from the shores of Tripoli." [Present day Libya]

Muslims in the "fabric of our country?" Certainly true: in just the last 25 years, Muslims have been involved in more than 50 attacks in the US, counting only those resulting in at least one fatality.

President Obama and his administration never have used the words Muslim or Islam in regard to these attacks. This attitude is epitomized with the Fort Hood shooting.

In 2009, Major Nidal Hassan, at the Ft. Hood base, murdered 13 and wounded 30, shouting "ALLAHU AKBAR" [the cry common to most of the terrorist attacks.] The Obama administration made no mention of Islamic or Muslim terrorism but described it as "work place violence."

Hassan's hostility to the United States had been known but nothing had been done about it for fear of being labeled Islamophoic, the political correctness imposed by the Obama administration.

Most recently, another "ALLAHU AKBAR" attack was made at a nightclub in Orlando where Omar Mateen murdered 49 people and wounded 53. He is on tape stating he is acting for Isis, and referencing the Muslims who perpetrated the Boston Marathon killings.

The normal reaction would be to lament and fear yet another instance of Islamic terror. Not Obama's; he never mentioned Islam or Muslims. His take away: the need for gun control and protection of homosexuals.

His Department of Justice then released a "transcript" of the tape of Omar Mateen censoring any references to Isis and substituting the word "God" for Allah.

Even the complicity of the mass media could not prevent expressions of outrage at Obama’s refusal to acknowledge Islam/Muslims were attacking us.

Obama, who has spent the past 7 years assuring us that Iraq was stable, that Al Quaeda was diminished, that Isis was the JV, [all those statements were proven false with days of being uttered] had to respond.

As he has done in the past, he employed the rhetorical straw man trick. He claimed that using the words “radical Islam” will not stop the attacks; but no one ever said it would. He argued that not using the words would be the way to defeat the enemy. I still have not figured that one out. Mark Levin analyses the speech:

I see a number of advantages to describing the incidents as what they are - Islamic/Muslim terrorism:

1. It is the truth and that should be reason in itself;

2. It will correctly identify the source of the problem which is necessary to solving the problem [remember Ronald Reagan having the courage to call the USSR the Evil Empire];

3. It should stop or at least slow down Obama’s policy of bringing Muslim refugees into our country;

4. It will free people to speak out should they see something that indicates a danger coming from these sources - people stayed silent in Fort Hood and San Bernardino for fear of being called biased;

5. It will allow discussion of Muslim atrocities against women and Christians and Jews and homosexuals without the worry of offending political correctness;

6. It will expose the foolishness of the Iran deal, where we released billions to a regime promoting terrorism and green lighted that regime to develop nuclear weapons;

7. It will expose the absurdity of Obama’s claim that climate change is the greatest challenge facing us.

How has he gotten away with it for so long? Never forget he is a consummate actor who can utter lies with the appearance of utmost sincerity. Captured on video are 16 segments where he took credit for ending the war in Iraq and removing the troops. In the 17th segment, he is asked:

“Mr. President, do you have any second thoughts about pulling all ground troops out of Iraq?” …

He replies: “What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision.”

Then there is the 2008 video where Obama refers to “my Muslim faith”

A case can be made he simply was referring to a charge made against him; a case can be made that it was a Freudian slip. I lean toward the latter.

There is more. The President has told us the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset." NY Times reporter Nicholos Kristof stated Obama recited, "with a first-class [Arabic] accent, " the opening lines of the Muslim call to prayer.

Those first few lines of that call to prayer? - one of the “prettiness sounds on Earth?”:


I don't think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead -especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies.

Ronald Reagan

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