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We repeatedly have heard and read the gratuitous advice that Republicans should avoid the “social issue” of abortion. It is a tribute to the efficacy of mass media propaganda and to woeful ignorance of facts that many believe that advice sound.

Here is a proposed ad that proves the contrary. Pro-life is the only honorable and civilized position. We have science, logic, history and humane principles on our side.

For this ad, I envision 3 well known spokespersons, all of whom have taken strong pro-life stands. What is set forth are not actual quotes but, from what I have read about each of them, I believe they would support the suggested dialog. Every statement is factual.

The three are Patricia Heaton (the ”Mom” on "Everyone Loves Raymond" and “The Middle”), Dr. Alveda King (Alveda King Ministries, niece of pro-life Martin Luther King), and Star Parker (columnist, president of CURE - Center for Urban Renewal and Education).

If you agree with this approach, please do whatever you can to make this ad a reality.

I sent an earlier version of this to a good friend who is the quintessential “liberal/progressive” Hillary supporter. I asked him what he thought of it. He said “I hated it. It was too effective. I hope it never gets shown.”

I think this updated version is better. I believe, if it is shown on ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN a few times, it will go viral to the general population. It is potentially a game changer! You can make the difference if you can help get this on the air.


Patricia Heaton:

If you rely upon the mass media for your news, you probably do not know that Congress passed a bill defunding Planned Parenthood, the single largest abortion provider in the United States. Planned Parenthood receives more than $500 million of taxpayer dollars and then turns around and kickbacks millions of those dollars to candidates, who vote to continue giving taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood. Can anyone believe that is fair? It was no surprise that President Obama vetoed the bill; they want to keep that gravy train running.

Star Parker:

The Supreme Court created a previously unknown constitutional right to abortion-on- demand in the companion cases Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. The women who were Roe and Doe are now fervently pro-life and have tried unsuccessfully to have their cases reversed.

Abortion-on-demand is what Planned Parenthood and the Left fight to perpetuate and promote. They claim anyone who is pro-life is an “extremist.” That is, plain and simple, a lie. Polls consistently prove the overwhelming majority of Americans are opposed to abortion-on-demand. It is Planned Parenthood and the Left who are the extremists, fanatically dedicated to killing the unborn.

Alveda King:

Please look at this magnified ultrasound photo of an 8 week old fetus.

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Is what is pictured human? If not, what is it?

If it is human, what is the justification for killing her and more than 50 million of her siblings in the past 60 years?

Abortion victims are disproportionately Black and Hispanic – a result that matches the racist intent of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.

What is more chilling than this plain fact: abortion sanctions a mother killing her own child.

Patricia Heaton:

What you are about to see is ghastly. Abortion methods are horrific. Partial birth abortion was the barbaric practice of extracting all but the head of the baby from the womb, puncturing her neck with a scissors, sucking out her brains and collapsing her skull. Legislation banning it was twice vetoed by President Clinton. Despite continued opposition by the Left, it was passed again and upheld by the Supreme Court 5-4.

Credit: Priests for Life

Other methods of abortion are also horrific. For example, in suction aspiration, a hollow tube with a knife-like edged tip is inserted in the womb and a strong suction tears the developing body to pieces and draws the pieces into a container.

Credit: Center For Bio-Ethical Reform

[Optional – probably not enough time for ad to recite descriptions of other abortion methods. In dilation and curettage, a loop shaped knife is inserted and cuts the body apart and scrapes the pieces out through the cervix. In dilation and evacuation, a grasping forceps is used when the bones have calcified to a point where the parts must be twisted and torn away. In saline amniocentesis, a concentrated salt solution is injected into the amniotic sac. The solution is ingested, with death resulting from salt poisoning, dehydration, hemorrhages of the brain and other organs, and convulsions.]

Alveda King:

For decades, Planned Parenthood claimed that abortion merely removed a "lump of tissue". Ultrasound images have demonstrated that proposition wrong beyond any doubt. The fanatics who promote death have substituted illogical slogans for science. You have heard them:

“A woman has a right to control her own body.”

  • Credit: Center For Bio-Ethical Reform

"Abortion is between a woman and her doctor." What about the baby and the father?

“War on women”? What nonsense; more females are aborted than males.

This is not a feminist issue. The founders of the feminist movement all recognized abortion for what it is. Susan B. Anthony called abortion "child murder"; Elizabeth Cady Stanton termed it “infanticide”.

Star Parker:

The recent undercover videos which the National Abortion Federation has tried to suppress, and which the mass media chooses not to show but falsely claim are not real, are, in fact, stomach-turning-real. In one conference of abortion providers, one can actually hear them laughing about an eyeball falling into an abortionist’s lap. It brings to mind the horrors of Joseph Mengele’s experiments on concentration camp prisoners.

2500 years ago, the Hippocratic Oath enjoined physicians not to perform abortions.

There is no getting away from it. Abortion is the taking of innocent human life. No "ifs", no "ands", no "buts" - not religious dogma, scientific fact.

There is a humane and civilized alternative: ADOPTION.

Patricia Heaton:

One can but wonder whether abortion numbers among its victims another da Vinci, or Shakespeare, or Beethoven, or Washington, or Nightingale, or Curie or Edison. Perhaps, without abortion, we would have among us the woman who discovers the cure for cancer, the man who invents a reliable pollution free energy source or the people who bring peace to the Middle East.

Let’s make ourselves heard. We are the overwhelming majority. Let Congress know the theft of our tax monies to kill the unborn must stop now.

[Show all three spokespersons as ad concludes]

Alveda King:

Martin Luther King Jr. stated:

"Cowardice asks the question, is it safe? Expediency asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? But, conscience asks the question, is it right? "

Patricia Heaton:

What the Left and Planned Parenthood are doing is demonstrably “not right.”

There are thousands of organizations which provide for women’s health and are not involved in abortion or kickbacks and it is they who deserve our support.

Star Parker:

Yes, the reality is ghastly. But the pictures and descriptions of abortion are to the Abortion Fanatics what sunlight is to Dracula. Abortion, exposed for what it actually is, cannot be defended.

I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.

We have the duty to protect the life of an unborn child.

Ronald Reagan

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